Expert Adjustments,
Fair Outcomes

Experts in Loss Adjusting, Claim Management, & Risk Assessment

Amine Mouawad Loss Adjusters is a loss adjusting and surveying practice based in Lebanon. Since nearly 30 years, our team of surveyors and experts assists our customers and provide pro-active and cost-effective claims handling services. We also propose risk management and consulting services as pre-risk surveys and claims mitigation assistance. We interviene for our customers wherever they need us in the Middle East and Africa.
Our proactive and dynamic approach to claims handling insures loss mitigation from the very early stages of our assignment even in the most complex claim scenarios. Our customers value our independence and integrity and trust our full commitment to bring the best and fastest solutions.
We continuously invest in developing our capabilities. Our process management is centered around a custom-built digital platform, in order to produce reports of international standards in short delays. Our teams have a deep technical knowhow, master advanced technics and are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies allowing them to assess precisely every situation and help mitigate losses. Our network is made of the best renowned specialists in all necessary fields (auditors, fire investigators, laboratories, specialty engineering offices, architects, etc) to ensure that each mission is treated by the most tailored team.
Loss Adjusting
The process of settling or denying a claim is referred to as a claim settlement or a loss adjustment.
Claim Management
Claims Management means the process of identifying, controlling and resolving demands by individuals or public entities to recover losses.
Risk Assessment
This practice helps determining the eligibility of an applicant to an insurance coverage, and fosters claim prevention.
Breakdown Machinery
Business Interruption
Political Violence
Money Insurance
Case Studies
Fire loss in a packaging factory.
Fire under a Property All Risks policy (LM7)
Approx. amount
of loss $12,000,000

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Damages to a 23 floors Commercial & Residential building under construction following Beirut Port Explosion
Damages due to explosion under an Engineering Policy
Approx. amount
of loss $7,600,000

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Machinery Breakdown: cracks suddenly appeared in the shell of a critical machine contributing inline to produce goods worth $350,000/day.
Machinery breakdown and Business Interruption under a Property All Risks Policy
Approx. amount
of loss $4,000,000

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Breakdown of a 370 - horsepower engine of a Princess V42 yacht - Joseph Khoury Marina, Dbayeh, Lebanon
Machinery breakdown under a Hull Policy
Approx. amount
of loss $43,000

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Our team of 30 people is composed of:

- Multidisciplinary engineers (mechanical engineers, architects, construction engineers, chemical engineers, etc)
- Junior and senior loss adjusters and surveyors
- Responsive administrative and dispatch team

We provide high quality services at international standards in three languages (Arabic, English and French).

Our agile organization allows us to mobilize very efficiently our surveyors, engineers and network of trusted experts in order to limit delays and costs for our customers.

Amine A. Mouawad
Loss Adjuster - Sworn Expert
Electro - Mechanical Engineer
Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Beyrouth - ESIB
ESTP Paris
Jad A. Mouawad
Loss Adjuster - Sworn Expert
Mechanical Engineer
University of Balamand - UOB



4th Floor, Byblos Sun Building, Jbeil, Lebanon
M 03 253 060 | T 09 546 061 | 09 546 062

PO. Box. 121 Jbeil, Lebanon

For any inquiries: